Start of large public 'social contact' events with Champions being books at a 'Living Library' event with Norwich Mind.
Global leader with significant track record, influence, and networks in the mental health campaigning and anti-stigma fields working with Governments, global bodies, NGOs, funders, researchers, and lived experience networks.
Founding Director of the Time to Change and the Time to Change Global programmes based at Mind with over 30 years experience in the NGO sector. Now providing a range of services via her global consultancy including evidence-based approaches to addressing stigma and discrimination, marketing strategies, and management consultancy and coaching across a range of sectors.
It is our passion and our honour to work with partners, people with lived experience, and policy leaders to transform how societies treat mental health across cultures and contexts (via behaviour change and lived experience leadership).
The Changing Minds Globally team is currently working in Africa, the Caribbean, Lithuania, across Europe, and globally.
Consultancy support to co-design and implement your strategy using an evidence-based methodology and tools adapted to a wide range of cultures and contexts with differing levels of mental health provision, resources, and policy and legal frameworks. The team will also help build capacity via training, mentoring, and shared peer-learning - meeting the recommendations of the recently published Lancet Commission report on Ending Stigma and Discrimination in Mental Health.
Lived experience involvement and leadership should be central to programmes seeking to address stigma and discrimination - from the outset to create a mandate for action through to stages of research, design, testing, implementation, evaluation and review. A lived experience strategy would also include management and governance systems.
With the unprecedented mental health legacy of a global pandemic, more staff need access to help and support in workplaces where is it safe to do so - where open conversations about mental health and well-being are actively encouraged. Authentic senior leadership, well-equipped managers, accessible support, and an open culture where staff with lived experience can openly share this and lead change are needed (as reflected in the Thriving at Work core standards). We can help shift the culture and support senior leadership teams and staff with lived experience to lead change.
We have been commissioned by UK and global bodies to undertake a range of assignments related to organisational issues and opportunities, producing reports with recommendations for Boards. As a qualified Coach (ILM Level 7) formal coaching sessions or informal mentoring are also available.
Or via the contact form below to tell us more about what you need.
You can see more of Sue's and the team's work via:
Twitter: @SueBakerTTC
LinkedIn: SueBakerOBE
Or via the contact form to tell us more about what you need.
You can see more of Sue's and the team's work via:
Twitter: @SueBakerTTC
LinkedIn: SueBakerOBE
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